Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 2012 Newsletter Article

The following is reprinted from Lutheran Church of the Savior's monthly newsletter.

Treasure, too, you have entrusted,
gain through pow’rs your grace conferred;

ours to use for home and kindred,
and to spread the gospel word.
Open wide our hands in sharing,
as we heed Christ’s ageless call
healing, teaching, and reclaiming
serving you by loving all.
-          Robert L. Edwards, , “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending,” ELW 678

In the past year, I have received so many blessings that I barely know where to begin. Sarah and I had just finished our amazing wedding and moved to our rented house in Battle Creek to start the often-hilarious process of transforming from two independent adults into one family. We had a baby, already three months old, who loves to smile and laugh (taking after his mother) and stare at brightly-colored moving objects (after his father, of course). I am thankful to have received six weeks of paid parental leave, time to learn now to be a dad, to change diapers and teach my kid to smile and tell him about how much fun it will be for him to mow the lawn in a few years.

God has also richly blessed Lutheran Church of the Savior. We have supported the Free Store from dream to reality. We have greatly increased our number of volunteers there and at our nearby Loaves and Fishes pantry, and have given record support to local ministry partners like Kairos House and Ministry With Community. We have welcomed new visitors, baptized babies, and commended into God’s eternal care some of our most beloved older members. We hosted our first-ever Family Fest in September, gathering some 70 people of all ages for fun, games, and elephant ears. We paid off our mortgage just last month, and began completing long-awaited building upgrades while planning how to better use our resources for mission and outreach. We deepened our relationship with our neighbors at Sunnyside United Methodist Church, from service to the community to the most vibrant, wonderful Easter Vigil worship Kalamazoo has ever seen.

In response to all these blessings, I give thanks to God. I know that all I have comes from God’s bountiful grace, that life, health, family, and wealth are mine not to keep but to share. Jesus was not born merely to show the world how blessed he was, but to share his blessedness with everyone who recognized their need for God’s love and mercy in their lives. Like Jesus and his first followers, we respond to God’s powerful love in our lives by loving and serving those around us, by feeding the hungry and welcoming the stranger and questioning the powerful in unity with the voiceless.

We respond also by giving financial support to God’s mission alive in the church. My wife and I each give ten percent of our pre-tax income to our congregations, knowing this gift supports local ministries like those mentioned above, as well as Michigan-wide ministries for youth, college students and seminarians and national and worldwide efforts such as Lutheran Disaster Response’s relief efforts after Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast and in the Caribbean. We tithe in thanksgiving for God’s rich blessings, and because we want to share these blessings we have received from God in Jesus Christ with God’s church and with the world.

This month, each member of Lutheran Church of the Savior will have an opportunity to prayerfully consider her plan for giving to support this ministry and God’s mission of love and service to the world. We have already begun to hear stories of how our support grows God’s reign of life and love in our community and beyond, and we will continue in the coming weeks. On November 11th we will gather to fill out our estimate of giving cards, committing to our life of faith together for the coming year. We live a life of thanks for all God has given us by returning what we can to God’s mission in tithing and giving to our church community. We are blessed so that we might be a blessing.


Pastor Andrew

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