Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2012 Lent 9: Table Tennis as Spiritual Practice

Some weeks ago, a great blessing came to Lutheran Church of the Savior: Table Tennis Tuesdays! Every Tuesday evening from 6pm to 8pm, the Fellowship Hall lives up to that name, as intrepid athletes gather to test themselves against one another in the ancient and noble game of table tennis.* Thus far our most pressing concern has simply been lack of players; two to four has been our number, and honestly I can get tired from that much table tennis. This may be because my style includes diving all over the room, based on my similar style of play in actual tennis, badminton, volleyball, and other sports I should avoid if I value my knees and general health.

Anyway, melodrama aside, join us in the fellowship hall every Tuesday from 6pm to 8pm for table tennis. You can come early for choir, or stay late from handbells, and still get some playing time. If for no other reason, you should come to see the joy on my face as I play table tennis and call it "work," and then laugh at me when I mildly injure myself diving after the ball like an overly-competitive 11 year old.

*The table's owner and chief architect of this cathedral of casual athleticism prefers "table tennis" to "ping pong," and I choose to honor his naming convention, because why not?

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