Thursday, March 3, 2016

Newsletter Article March 2016

March 2016 Newsletter Article
See how its branches
reach to us in welcome;
Hear what the Voice says,
“Come to me, ye weary!
Give me your sickness,
give me all your sorrow,
I will give blessing.”
-  Király Imre von Pécselyi; tr. Erik Routley, “There in God’s Garden,” ELW 342

Sometimes, it feels like we are in a season of death. Lately, there has been so much to worry about. The mass shooting in our community, that began less than a mile down the street from our place of worship, is fresh and raw and still causing grief. The Flint water crisis is ongoing. The presidential nomination season is upon us as never before, with new media highlighting the bitter divisions within our political parties and in our nation as a whole. The war in Syria continues, leaving millions displaced from their homes. All that to say nothing of the more intimate tragedies and losses we experience, from death of loved ones to illnesses to so many other unexpected or unwelcome changes in our lives.  
Most of us have reason to mourn. Most of us have reason to cry out, in anger or in anguish, because of what we have lost or because of what we fear might happen next. Sin is all around us, as I have recently preached. Our own sins of deed and negligence are compounded by our society’s systemic ills such as racism, gun violence, and political extremism.
Lent is a time to reflect on the sinful state of our lives, and of the world. It is a time to look with clear eyes at the chasm between God’s good intentions and our lived reality of brokenness. Lent is an opportunity for us to recognize our need for the unearned and unexpected love of God in Jesus the Christ, as individuals and as a world that seems too often to be on fire.
Thankfully, Lent is not the end of our story. Before the end of this month, our season will change. Easter is coming. Resurrection is close at hand. Soon we will remember, in scripture and communal ritual, that in God’s story – our story – life always comes after death. Life is the last word.
Even now the seeds of life are beginning to grow in our congregation and in our world. An interfaith vigil of prayer and community began our healing after gun violence made us a center of attention for a few terrible hours. Through our partner Salem Lutheran Church, we can offer assistance to the people of Flint. Refugees are building new lives of peace in safer places, soon to include our own Kalamazoo, and we will have opportunities to participate in welcoming these sisters and brothers. We support each other when crises arise in our own families and lives.
God continues to bring life from death. Join us for worship during Holy Week to hear the full story of what God has done for us in Jesus, and what it means for our lives in the world today.

Passion / Palm Sunday March 20th
Sunday worship 10:00 am
Maundy Thursday March 24th
Eucharist and foot washing 7:00 pm
Good Friday March 25th
Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm
Vigil of Easter March 26th
            Fire, water, word, meal 8:00 pm
Resurrection of Our Lord March 27th
            Easter Sunday worship 10:00 am

Pastor Andrew

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