Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sermon Audio, 5/19/2013

Pentecost, Lectionary Year C

Genesis 11:1-9 and Acts 2:1-21

I failed to record last week's sermon (really, I had my phone there, and thought I'd recorded it, but somehow it just doesn't exist), so here's one from this week at least. This week I talked about the ancient, amazing Tower of Babel story as a mythical explanation of human difference, then talked about how difference affects our experience as people. How does the Holy Spirit relate to human difference?

This week in my sermon I referenced an interesting online conversation about race, how we understand it, and how it relates to intelligence. I'll link a few relevant articles here, and each of these have valuable links to follow as well. This is a conversation between respectful, well-intentioned colleagues, not merely a debate or argument.

I started with Ta-Nehisi Coates' article "What We Mean When We Say 'Race is a Social Construct," but follow the links to see who and what he is responding to.

Andrew Sullivan's helpful reply is here, "Is Race Only a Social Construct?"

Back to Coates, whose views on this matter I generally respect above all others, here. That's basically where I end up on the matter, though Sullivan highlights other worthwhile responses here and here.

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