Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 2011 Newsletter article

As saints of old their first fruits brought
of orchard, flock, and field to God,
the giver of all good, the source of bounteous yield,
so we today first fruits would bring,
 the wealth of this good land, of farm and market,
shop and home, of mind and heart and hand

- Frank von Christierson, “As Saints of Old,” ELW 695

Sarah and I were married this month, in a unique and powerful worship service featuring original music, vibrant preaching and a marriage ritual ancient in form and modern in content. We celebrated with a great party and a just-as-great afterparty, joining loved ones from far and near in an event for which I will always be grateful.

One of the great unexpected blessings of this time was the fact that so many of our loved ones chose to donate to causes dear to our hearts instead of simply buying us a gift. We wanted to offer this opportunity, but had no idea that so many friends would take us up on the opportunity to share our joy with organizations trying to do God’s work in the world. We received at least 25 donations, to organizations ranging from Lutheran World Relief and the UN World Food Programme who feed the hungry around the world to the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Alliance that strives to end bullying to five different aspects of the ELCA to the most formative organization for my own faith and life, Lutheran Volunteer Corps. It is truly a blessing to know that people love us enough to give to those in need around the world.

This brings me to think about our financial stewardship for the coming year. This month we will begin our annual reflection on our walk with Jesus, and how we can respond to God’s grace and mercy by sharing what we have with God’s church for the sake of the gospel and the world. When Jesus walked this earth with his disciples, he often talked about money and possessions. If money was a part of Jesus’ first walk on this earth, it should be a part of our walk with Jesus today.

My own stewardship for 2011 has been disappointing, I’m afraid. In 2010 I made a mistake with my taxes such that I needed to make up the difference in early 2011. Between that and the costs of a wedding and an as-yet-incomplete move to Battle Creek with Sarah, I have only been able to half-tithe this year. I am excited that 2012 will bring enough stability that I will once again be able to tithe, giving 10% of my income directly to the church in honor of all God has done for me, and giving to other vital causes on top of that.

Everything we have is a trust from God, given to us to care for and manage. What we do with our money is very much a part of our relationship with God. On the last three Sundays of October we will read a bulletin insert and hear a talk in worship and receive a letter from the congregation. All of these will focus on our walk with Jesus, and how money plays an important part in this walk. 

Then, on Sunday, November 6th, each member of Lutheran Church of the Savior will have the opportunity to complete an estimate of giving card. On this card, each of us will indicate our plan for giving for the coming year. This will not only be a plan for giving to Lutheran Church of the Savior, it will also be a plan for how we will walk with Jesus in the coming year.

Pastor Andrew

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