Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Doubt to faith is like the carbon that turns iron into steel"

I have previously mentioned my friend and colleague Chris in a post about Good Friday, but today I want to highlight a deeply personal and beautifully illustrative series he is writing about his process of coming out as a gay man. Today's entry, the fourth of a scheduled fifteen, is titled "Gaining My Religion," and describes a faith journey that in important ways echoes my own. In particular, the following passage about doubt expresses my own thoughts, though I could never have dreamed up such lovely words:
I've always been a doubter and a sceptic when it comes to faith.  Indeed, faith without doubt is like pig iron; it is brittle, and breaks at the least trial.  Doubt to faith is like the carbon that turns iron into steel, making it strong and pliable enough to shift without easily falling down.
I'd say you can expect that quotation to show up in a sermon sometime, if I'm paying attention. Chris has been awaiting a call as an ELCA pastor for some time now, and I pray that such a thoughtful and passionate voice might find a community to which he can bring God's word.

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