Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sermon Audio 6/19/2016, Acts Sermon Series Week 3

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Year C

Acts Sermon Series 2016, Week Three

Our Acts series continues with a serious discussion of idolatry, our practice of placing our ultimate trust in that which is not God. As the horrific mass shooting in Orlando reminds us, murder is always idolatrous, and tragedies often drive us to other idolatrous responses. 

In worship during our Rite of Healing we read aloud the names of the 49 victims of the shooting at Pulse in Orlando. We handed out the names and went around the room, almost the entire congregation participating in this ritual of lament. Then we prayed for survivors, families of the deceased, their communities and our entire nation as we struggle to respond to hate and violence. It was  a powerful ritual, each of us holding one victim close and publicly voicing their name. 

To hear this podcast: listen here, use this link, or use iTunes or Google Play Music to subscribe or listen by searching "Tengwall."

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sermon Audio 6/12/2016, Acts Sermon Series Week Two

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Year C

Acts Sermon Series 2016, Week Two

Already the Holy Spirit is messing with us this summer, as I've decided to forgo this week's Acts reading in favor of talking about rape culture. From the time David "took" Bathsheba, to the time an unnamed "sinful" woman washed Jesus' feet, and even until this very day, men have systemically treated women as less than fully human. There is good news in this sermon, but not before a long and difficult talk on sexism and sexual assault. 

To hear this podcast, listen here, use this link, or use iTunes or Google Play Music to subscribe or listen by searching "Tengwall." 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sermon Audio 6/5/2016, Acts Sermon Series Week One

Third Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Year C

Acts Sermon Series 2016, Week One

Thus begins a second summer of Acts readings, in which we see how the Holy Spirit transformed the early church. The Holy Spirit does amazing things, even miraculous things, but we don't always notice. What keeps us from recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit around us?

A new way of listening to this podcast this week: Google Play Music. Search "Tengwall" in their Podcast section and subscribe, or listen here, use this link, or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or by searching "Tengwall."